Your Excellency Rachna Korhonen ,
We extend our deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation for your exceptional commitment and invaluable contributions to the success of the first edition of the Inter-regional Digital Summit in Africa (SIN AFRICA 2023). Your unwavering support and dedication have been instrumental in fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation within the digital landscape. Your vision and leadership continue to inspire us and pave the way for a brighter future for the digital sphere in Africa and beyond.
With heartfelt thanks,
President, Cluster Digital Africa
knight of the national order
#Afrique #Africa #Mali #Nigeria #Algérie #Sénégal #CôteDIvoire #Maroc #Tunisie #Égypte #AfriqueDuSud #Ghana #Cameroon #Kenya #Niger #RDCongo #Mozambique #Togo #Libye #Mali ???????? #Afrique ???? #ÉtatsUnis ???????? #Chine ???????? #Russie ???????? #Brésil ???????? #Inde ???????? #Canada ???????? #Australie ???????? #Japon ???????? #RoyaumeUni ???????? #Allemagne ???????? #France ???????? #Italie ???????? #Espagne ???????? #Mexique ???????? #afrique #AfriqueDuSud ???????? #Nigéria ???????? #Égypte ???????? #Argentine ????????