It is true that significant progress has been made in the primary school enrollment rate, particularly in the early 2000s, with the enthusiasm created by the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All. However, progress in terms of the rate and number of out-of-school children has stagnated since 2007: according to UNICEF, 9% of children of primary school age and 17% of adolescents of primary school age secondary school are excluded from the education system. The Digital Africa Cluster supports programs to educate the poorest and thus try to break the cycle of poverty. And we have set up a virtual university, a virtual high school and a virtual library for all the orders of teachers but also a professional training center. We are a platform of collective intelligence and co-construction for African #digital sovereignty thanks to our various reflection commissions and especially our various solutions for the digital transformation of Africa by Africans and for Africans. Come and join us on Cluster Digital Africa and above all come and support us to unite our skills to the services of the continent. .